The Practice
About East Clinic
At East Clinic our focus is on patient care and well being.
Our staff work as a cohesive unit with our aim to provide you the best possible health care available.
Fees as of 1st December 2024
As of the 1st April East clinic will be charging the AMA recommended rates
Level B (6-20 minutes) $100
Level C (20-40 minutes $185
​Discounted rate may be charged at the Doctor's discretion.
Some services may attract an out of pocket fee to cover the cost of the service.
ECG - $55 Medicare rebate $17.85
Procedures will be charged when you return to have sutures out. The gap fee of $110 is payable on that day. Medicare will then send a cheque that will need to be returned to the practice.
After hours/Home visits
National Home Doctor Service on 137 425.
St Andrew's After Hours Service call 3816 9999.
For Medical advice call 13 Health on 1343 2584.
If you have an emergency please call 000 immediately.
Home visits are provided at the discretion of the treating Doctor, however, we strongly advocate attending the clinic when possible. This allows us to more adequately assess and treat each person with the appropriate equipment and resources that are only available within the clinic.
Telephone System
Most issues should be dealt with appropriately within a consult, however, should you wish to contact one of our Doctors via telephone please inform our reception staff of your concerns and this will be relayed to your Doctor. Due to the nature of general practice it is rare that a treating Doctor will be able to take your call immediately, however, we will endeavour to provide a response in the shortest possible timeframe.
Test Results and Referrals
In general terms a follow up consultation should be arranged to discuss results.
For routine investigations your treating Doctor may advise calling one of our clinic staff for results. These results will have been reviewed by the Doctor and a written note will be left with these results. In the case of an abnormal or unexpected result the Doctor will arrange for one of our reception staff to contact the patient and arrange review.
Referrals must be made within a consultation and will not be provided via telephone request.
Prescriptions should be attained within a consultation. This allows for improved monitoring, review of necessity and response to medications and also ensures patient safety regarding potential adverse effects.
In unavoidable situations prescriptions may be provided, however, this is done at the Doctor’s discretion and may attract a fee.